2010 m. spalio 31 d., sekmadienis

I think I shouldn't be suprised when I get your message while thinking that I want to say almost the same for you...but still, everytime that suprises me.
Because yesterday I felt like I wanted to do something BIIIG or do nothing. Life and everyday routine are making me sick, I'm bored of silly talks and meaningless thoughts.
Maybe both of us just need changes?

2 komentarai:

  1. Don't you think that we're already changed? Because don't want that silly talks or meaningless thoughts?...
    You should read that book, University of success...It's really really really inspiring. Each day I'm becoming more and more motivated to change my life... substantially... And that doesn't mean that now I'm gonna be someone else, change my personality, but.. I should change my minds. I found out one REALLY IMPORTANT thing while was reading that book. Success ISN'T that type of thing which will become some day - when you will be better, faster, stronger, richer or something like that. You've ALREADY have success (because you have your family, you're healthy, you aren't retarded..) I know that this is too simple thing to understand, but that though was just booom. It cames into my head and now I believe.

  2. Hmmmm, I understand what you mean. Some time ago I heard a similar thought. It was about our success and what we have in life. It was said that in the world there are large amount of money, good jobs, things...and we all share this amount of things, and only we can decide how much do we need and how much will we take... I don't know if I'm explaining this clearly, but the main point was that all good thing aren't something, that happens, it is always around us and we have to take as much as we want. I think, I will put this, and other, yours idea, and make something great to make life better ;DD
